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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

MTV Movie Awards Eco Lounge

MTV Movie Awards Eco Lounge Gift Suite
I recently had the pleasure of attending Debbie Durkin’s MTV Movie Awards Eco Lounge two-day event held in a gated community at the famed mansion of the hit TV show 90210. I arrived at the event early to help my friends with Fabe’s All Natural Bakery (healthy gourmet desserts without refined sugar) set up for the weekend when suddenly there was a thundering sound overhead – a helicopter – along with plenty of emergency sirens. It was obvious that something big was happening and we were smack dab in the middle of it all. Without going into the situation in this blog here is a link to the media coverage that followed – – Interestingly enough, I happened to be the only media source in the prestigious locked down estate community and began interviewing the sponsors of the event as the swat teams surrounded the area.